

Xosé Abad – Photographer

I arrived at Greece on May 22, 2016 when Idomeni camp was just being evacuated. Idomeni was a camp were thousands of people survived while they waited their chance to pass the border to Macedonia to be able to reach Germany or Nederland.

All the families that couldn´t access Idomeni camp, were waiting in other camps, Eko, Hara, BP nearby.
Thousands of people that flee from war, surviving in small camp tents gave by NGOs or in bigger tents gave by bigger NGOs.

When I arrived for the first time to the camp what surprised me the most was the large amount of children that swarmed around and I realized that most of them were families of working people that had lost everything, clinging to the hope of a new life for their children, that precious good. Their resolution to save their families hold their energy.

They are not invaders, nor terrorist, they are just families fleeing from terror, fleeing from the invasion imposed by world powers, and also Europe and Spain, that are fighting an indecent battle to control the area, destroying their homes, their works, their schools, their lives.

This portrait collection is about what I saw and I felt there, families of working people that were snatched away from their lives.


June 15 / July 25, 2017