Acampa, Pola paz e o dereito a refuxio

logo_a_bEvery day we receive information about serious events that impact us: wars, hunger, slavery, unemployment, violence, exclusion… that provoke the exodus of millions of people. Human beings who flee from pain, suffering and death, seeking refuge.


We are many people who want to act but do not always know how. With this intention is born   Acampa


Manifesto: Right to Refuge from Spoliation

If there is one word that can well define the economic system that rules our way of life, it is spoliation, causing millions of people to leave their homes to survive.  

The significant forced displacements of humanity have their origin in the uncontrolled plundering of resources. From the fifteenth century with the conquest trips, through the colonial expansionism of the European powers in the nineteenth century, to modern wars today, there is only one reason, the capitalist desire to appropriate the resources of other peoples for the benefit of a few. Under great euphemisms like “Holy War” or “Enduring Freedom,” they pillage and kill without conscience or scruple. It’s currently happening in Africa, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Brazil, Yemen, Latin America, Galicia, etc.  

The most modern form of spoliation comes from the hand of technology, the piracy of our data, our thoughts, desires, tastes, sensations, contacts, photos, opinions,  everything, the totality of our life, the objective behind is total control. Metadata is the new oil. Technology is, without a doubt, a significant advance for humanity as long as it is submitted to democratic powers. What needs to be changed is a system that is already above governments unable to implement democratic rules.

And finally, the definitive pillage, that of the planet itself, which is irreversibly walking towards climate collapse by the unstoppable greed of the capitalist system, condemning millions of people to suffer, forced displacement, and many cases, death. Perhaps this global pandemic of COVID 19 is the most recent warning that we must rectify. 

According to UN data, natural resources caused more than 40% of the last sixty years’ wars.  

Only the conscience and determination of the citizenry will be able to force the necessary change. For this reason, the organizations and people that make up the Red Acampa por la Paz y el Derecho a Refugio want to show in this exhibition some examples of how plundering causes poverty, desperation, and impotence. Land, oil, wood, coltan, jade, phosphates are some examples to illustrate that behind a forced displacement, there is usually a spoliation that causes it, and that is why we defend the Right to Refuge from Spoliation

Acampa 2020

Online round table

An Intercultural Approach to the Education of Children and Young Migrants and Refugees in Portugal

Other live online meetings

Made during the year 2020


It is a non-profit citizen initiative made up of social, cultural, educational, neighbourhood, political, trade union, artistic and solidarity groups, institutions and companies with social responsibility.


Its objective is to defend human rights, international humanitarian law and the right to refuge. It promotes participation and involvement.


Opens a meeting space to search for answers collectively. It delves into the causes of events in order to contrast the information.

Acampa is a movement that aims to create a network of information, exchange of ideas and initiatives involving about 60 organizations, mainly NGOs; there are also unions, parties and many people who think that unity and joint work are necessary to transform things that we do not like. We can participate as an expression of commitment to peace and the right to refuge.

Acampa 2019

A Coruña, from 20 to 22 June 2019

Acampa 2018

A Coruña, from 14 to 16 June 2018

Acampa 2017

A Coruña, from 15 to 18 June 2017

Calendar of social activity in a Coruña

Nothing from 6 September, 2024 to 6 March, 2025.

Logo Acampa It is an active citizen meeting in which we have the participation of the protagonists, victims, NGOs, journalists; projections, photography, music, theater, clowns, artistic events of all kinds. Also guided visits to know how a refugee camp is, to better understand the real causes of war.

Who can participate?

Acampa facilitates citizen participation, each person brings his or her energy, capacity and opinion along with: NGOs, associations, political organisations, trade unions, institutions, informal groups, socially responsible companies, professional groups, etc.

How can you actively participate?

Making music, theatre, photography, cinema, humour, poetry… If you have a skill you want to participate in or if you have an idea to propose, DO NOT DON’T HESITATE, JOIN!

You can collaborate with a financial aid, which will be used to support the interests and needs of refugees, in the account: ES46 1491 0001 2530 0007 7549

Sponsors in the 2020 Edition: