Lorena Boga García

Lorena Boga García

Graduated in Social Education from the UDC and Higher Technician in Social Integration.

Master in Social Policies and Sociocommunity Intervention. Double specialty: Gender and Family Aging and Transformation, University of A Coruña

Graduated in Social Education, Higher Technician in Social Integration.

Courses of:
Political Incident in NGOs.
Specific postgraduate training in Cooperation and Development Education.
Equal opportunities: practical application in the field of employment.
Gender and Development,
Basic training in Volunteering.
Equal opportunities: practical application in Social Services.
Animation in the Third Age.
Leisure Time Monitor.
Prostitution and immigration.
First aid and first aid.
Racism and Xenophobia.

With experience as:
Co-founder and coordinator, Act. Simbiosis Association, A Coruña (Spain).
Social Educator, Eirís Civic Centre, A Coruña (Spain).
Coordinator of the project Awareness in Education for Development, Office of Cooperation and Volunteering UDC. A Coruña (Spain).
Voluntary Social Educator, ADTPukara, Ayuda en Acción. Cuenca (Ecuador).
Volunteer EVS, International Hear the Heart Help Association. tódz (Poland).
Complementary training scholarship holder, Office of Cooperation and Volunteering – UDC. A Coruña (Spain).
Social Educator, Áhuera Centre. La Coruña (Spain).
Social Educator, Psychopedagogical Student Support Office. ULisboa. Lisbon (Portugal).
Social Integrator, Social Services. Culleredo (Spain).


Acampa 2018, for peace and the right to shelter due to climate change: Evaluating a social awareness event.

Other Activities

Traballo fin de mestrado. Acampa 2018, pola paz e o dereito ao refuxio por cambio climático. Avaliando un evento de sensibilización social. © Lorena Boga