
The Voice of Refugees

Fadile Tibisay Chami – Speaker
Ahmad Matar – Speaker
Xurxo Souto – Moderates and Presents

Round table where refugees are the protagonists. Fadile Tibisay Chami, Syrian human rights activist for women and refugees, Ahmad Matar Syrian refugee. He presents Xurxo Souto, musician and writer.

Fadile tells us what his life was like in Syria: how are the elections, what is the role of women in Syria, how is the regime perpetuated through the president’s son, how was the Arab spring in Syria, the arrival of ISIS and Daesh in Syria (2012), how are their forces composed, the arrival of Americans, Russians, Chinese and Europeans and their geopolitical interests… Liberation of the Syrian people or real invasion?

Ahmad tells us about Islamophobia, the differences between terrorist groups and the Muslim people and this repercussion in the media … There is no religion if other people are killed, the bureaucracy in processing a request for asylum, how a person experiences it refugee who is requesting asylum in our country to see banners that express the slogan “Welcome Refugees” in the buildings and the real bureaucratic and political machinery that are not favoring it. How can you have dignity and joy during your stay in a refugee camp in Greece and what is your reception experience in A Coruña.

18th June 2017