
How to build a warlike conflict


Manuel Rivas – Speaker
Xose Manuel Sande – Speaker
Carmen Armada – Presents

Geopolitics, international relations and military issues.

Manuel and Xosé speak in a common area for collective reflection and understanding to see how wars are built …
They begin by referring to the beginning of the 15-M movement and the revolts of the Arab Spring in several countries (year 2011) … in most of the countries that experienced an air of rebellion and demand for improvements that was silenced and silenced in a brief time, although there were hope buds …
How a scale of hatred begins, how language is transformed into a propagandistic instrument of control in the minds of the population, how the military-industrial complex is built, how lies and manipulation are constructed in an industrial manner …
How the language of war hides, manipulates and helps them to quell the revolts of the demands demanded by the oppressed populations, with the intention of annulling them; how is the relationship of the economy with militarism and power; how the friend-enemy dynamic is created …

June 17, 2017