Meeting: Luana Kaingang and Carlos Taibo, Moderated by Isabel Bravo

jue09sep19:3019:30(GMT+02:00) Meeting: Luana Kaingang and Carlos Taibo, Moderated by Isabel BravoMeeting: Indigenous Peoples, the struggle for life - Collapse

Detalles del evento

Indigenous Peoples, the struggle for life

Luana Kaingang

Luana Kaingang

Coordinator of Mulheres Jovens Indigenas.

Carlos Taibo

Carlos Taibo

Has been for thirty years a professor of Political Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Among his books are ‘En defensa del decrecimiento’ (Catarata, 2009), ‘Colapso’ (Catarata, 2016; Letra Livre, 2019) and ‘Iberia vaciada. Despoblación, decrecimiento, colapso’.

Isabel Bravo

Moderated: Isabel Bravo

Graduated in Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, her professional career has been focused since the beginning -and still is- on the radio, in the area of news and programs. I direct the debate program on current affairs “A Coruña opina” -formerly El Coruñés opina-. She is a member of the Galician Journalists’ Association and of the unique initiative in Spanish radio broadcasting called “A Radio Conta”. Among the awards she had received for her work are: – “Somos Esenciais” 2020 Xornalismo Award, organized by the Colexio de Xornalistas de Galicia -in collaboration with Gadis- for the program that she did on the first day -Sunday- of the state of alarm for Covid19. “When the questions were still unanswered” was the title of the program. The jury valued the work especially for “giving value to local information and giving voice to expert sources on the first day of home confinement”. – Accésit of Premio Albarelo do Colexio de Farmacéuticos de A Coruña in 2020 for the program “A Coruña opina” dedicated to “Suicide prevention. Un problema de saúde pública. – IV Premio Periodístico da Fundación do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña 2011 for the radio report “Más unidas que nunca” (More united than ever) about the live kidney transplant from a mother to her daughter. The first radio document made in Galicia about this kind of operation in an operating room. – 1st May Prize awarded by UGT. – International Working Women’s Day Award 2004, also granted by UGT.



(Jueves) 19:30(GMT+02:00)

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